
For publication in the proceedings of the event, the full articles of the works presented must be submitted by email , in Word file, until the date of November 17, 2020 , in the same language of presentation at the event, obeying the following rules:

  • a) The article must be sent in the standard seminar template: Standard article template. click here
  • b) The name of the file must be filled out as follows: "Article of" followed by the full name of the author (s). 
  • c) The length of the article must be a minimum of 12 and a maximum of 15 pages, including post-textual elements.
  • d) The elements that make up the article are: title in Portuguese and in English, name of the author (s), abstract and keywords in the language of the text and in English; introduction, development and final considerations; explanatory note (s), references.
  • e) Elements such as graphics, figures etc. must appear in the body of the work. Articles with attachments will not be accepted.
  • f) The article must be written in Times New Roman font , size 12, spacing between lines 1.5, justified alignment, top and left margins of 3 cm and bottom and right margins of 2 cm. Foreign words must be highlighted in italics.
  • g) Explanatory notes should be restricted to what is strictly necessary and will be informed in footnotes (in Times New Roman font , size 10 and single spacing).
  • h) In direct citations with more than three lines, in the abstract, keywords and figure legends, the font used must be Times New Roman , size 10 and single spacing.
  • i) The titles of the sections and subsections must be aligned to the left; which must be preceded by numerical indications progressively. For example:

1.1.1 Margins and spacing
j) The only unnumbered section will be that of the References, which should be aligned to the left, uppercase and bold.
k) Pre-textual elements must include: title of the work, centralized, uppercase and bold; one line below the English version of the title; two lines below, the name of the author (s) and, in a footnote, a brief curriculum vitae (title, institution to which they are linked and electronic address). Following, the summary in the language of the text and keywords. One line below, the abstract and keywords.
l) The textual elements must consist of: Introduction, which should include the delimitation of the subject treated, justification, objectives, theoretical framework, methodological procedures and brief explanation of how the article is structured. Second, Development , the main part of the article, is divided into sections and subsections, when necessary. Finally, the Final Considerations should take up what was presented in the Introduction and show the results of the research.
m) As for the post-textual elements, these are composed of references.
n) Citations must be organized according to NBR 10520 of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT), using the author-data system. Direct citations, with more than three lines, must be highlighted with 4 cm indentation, single spacing between lines and size 10. Direct citations of up to three lines must appear in double quotation marks, in the body of the text.
o) Explanatory notes should be used for comments and clarifications that cannot be included in the text. Explanatory notes are not used to indicate bibliographic references.
p) References must be organized according to NBR 6023 of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT), using bold as the highlight of the works' titles. Only references that appear in the body of the text should appear in the list. For example:

Book: TAVARES, Gonçalo. Learning to pray in the age of technique . São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2008.

Book chapter: MARCUSCHI, Luiz Antônio. Orality and literacy. In: ______. From speech to writing : retextualization activities. 10th ed. São Paulo: Cortez, 2010. p. 15-44.

Article published in magazine: BRUNELLI, Anna Flora. On the notion of discursive ethos. Letras & Letras , Uberlândia, Vol. 22, n. 2, p. 197-204, Jul./Dec. 2006.

Article published electronically: SOUZA, Marilena Inácio de. Citation and detachment of "formula" and "small sentences" in the Brazilian print and digital media: strategies of saying. RevLet - Revista Virtual de Letras , v. 3, n. 1, Jan./Jul. 2011. Available at: <>. Accessed on: 2 jan. 2012.

Work presented at an event:RUSSIAN, Maria Angela. Brazilian sign language interpreter: a discursive position under construction. In: LATIN AMERICAN CONGRESS OF DISCOURSE STUDIES - ALED, 9., 2011, Belo Horizonte. Anais ... Belo Horizonte: Federal University of Minas Gerais, 2011.

  • Note: The language revision and formatting of the file according to the rules above is the responsibility of the authors. Articles that do not comply with the rules will not be published in the Proceedings.