

Educational aspects in human aging
Workload: 40 Credits: 2
Description: This course discusses fundamental questions regarding the role of education in the society, considering characteristics the educational process involves throughout the course of life, such as ethical, cognitive, methodological and technological aspects. In addition, it discusses education in the sociocultural and individual construction of aging as a way of understanding life from the perspective of longevity.
Concentration area: Biopsychosocial Aspects of Human Aging
Type: Master's and Doctorate
Obligatoriness: Not required

Workload: 40 Credits: 2
Description: The course presents the descriptive and inferential statistical techniques applied in the area of aging. It empowers the student to organize, describe and summarize experimental data and interpret results and findings through statistical analysis applications. It teaches how to develop reflexive-argumentative analysis of planning and statistical treatment used in the area of gerontology.
Concentration area: Biopsychosocial Aspects of Human Aging and Gerontechnology
Type: Master's and Doctorate
Obligatoriness: Not required

Bioethics in Gerontology
Workload: 40 Credits: 2
Description: This course seeks to analyze historical aspects of bioethics and its relations with human aging. The main elements of bioethics are also addressed. The various dimensions of the life of the elderly in the individual and social context are studied, considering different circumstances and complications of human living. The course includes analysis of the bioethics and multidimensionality of living / aging of the elderly as responsible individuals and collective subjects. Bioethical and legal implications, processes and methods on research with humans and animals are studied.
Concentration area: Biopsychosocial Aspects of Human Aging and Gerontechnology
Type: Master's and Doctorate
Obligatoriness: Not required

Multidimensionality care of Human Aging
Workload: 40 Credits: 2
Description: This course deals with the dynamic dependence-autonomy of the elderly in their various environments (home, institutions, clubs, social groups) promoting the discussion around education and talks about taking care of themselves while caring for others. The course also discusses the care practices of the family, professional’s teams and the community support networks.
Concentration area: Biopsychosocial Aspects of Human Aging
Type: Master's and Doctorate
Obligatoriness: Not required

Workload: 40 Credits: 2
Description: The course addresses epidemiological methods for the study of the human aging process. It offers a critical reflection and interpretation on epidemiological investigations in population groups. 
Concentration area: Biopsychosocial Aspects of Human Aging and Gerontechnology
Type: Master's and Doctorate
Obligatoriness: Not required

Teacher Training I **
Workload: 40 Credits: 2
Description: The course presents the assumptions of higher education teaching from broader theoretical conceptions about the construction of knowledge, such as interdisciplinarity. Focuses on higher education structure in Brazil, based on legal requirements and institutional specificities, addressing the different views on the teaching process. The course also discusses the tools or resources for the didactic transposition of content, planning and assessment.
Concentration area: Biopsychosocial Aspects of Human Aging and Gerontechnology
Type: Master's and Doctorate
Obligatoriness: Required

Teacher Training II **
Workload: 20 Credits: 1
Description: Didactic-pedagogical activities, planning, execution and assessment of the teaching-learning process applied to the higher education context.
Concentration area: Biopsychosocial Aspects of Human Aging and Gerontechnology
Type: Master's and Doctorate
Obligatoriness: Required

Teacher Training III **
Workload: 20 Credits: 1
Description: Didactic-pedagogical activities, planning, execution and assessment of the teaching-learning process applied to the higher education context.
Concentration area: Biopsychosocial Aspects of Human Aging and Gerontechnology
Type: Master's and Doctorate
Obligatoriness: Required

Physiology of Aging
Workload: 40  Credits: 2
Description: The course aims to study anatomophysiological changes of organs and tissues in the human aging process.
Concentration area: Biopsychosocial Aspects of Human Aging and Gerontechnology
Type: Master's and Doctorate
Obligatoriness: Not required

Epistemological Topics in Interdisciplinary *
Workload: 40 Credits: 2
Description: The course discusses the issues of knowledge production from its historical aspects, presenting the epistemological elements that constitute modern and contemporary scientific thought. Besides, it analyzes the paradigmatic changes of thought through the bias of scientific plausibility, studying human aging from its interdisciplinarity and complexity.
Concentration area: Biopsychosocial Aspects of Human Aging and Gerontechnology
Type: Master's and Doctorate
Obligatoriness: Required (Master's)

Workload: 40 Credits: 2
Description: The course studies theoretical assumptions about the use of technologies in the area of gerontology, discussing the use of innovative technologies applied in the aging process. It addresses issues related to the use of technologies for monitoring, prevention, aid, rehabilitation and intervention for the elderly.
Concentration area: Gerontechnology
Type: Master's and Doctorate
Obligatoriness: Not required

Technologies’ Lab
Workload: 40 Credits: 2
Description: This course investigates the different alternatives of using information and communication technologies in the research planning process. It aims at the production of practical knowledge focused on authorship, editing and writing of instructional and educational content, materials and documents, and planning of distance education courses.
Concentration area: Biopsychosocial Aspects of Human Aging and Gerontechnology
Type: Master's and Doctorate
Obligatoriness: Not required

Research Methodology in Human Aging
Workload: 40 Credits: 2
Description: This course presents different ways to build knowledge, working on the development of a research that involves the complexity of a multidisciplinary project. Theoretical and practical aspects, associated with ethical issues in research with the elderly are discussed. Students must dedicate themselves to the critical reading of academic papers and the writing of a research project.
Concentration area: Biopsychosocial Aspects of Human Aging and Gerontechnology
Type: Master's and Doctorate
Obligatoriness: Required

Qualitative Methods of Research
Workload: 40 Credits: 2
Description: This course investigates the basic theoretical and conceptual aspects of the qualitative research methodology applied to the area of aging; research design and techniques: types of research considering different approaches, objectives and main procedures; techniques, tools and methods of data collection and analysis.
Concentration area: Biopsychosocial Aspects of Human Aging and Gerontechnology
Type: Master's and Doctorate
Obligatoriness: Not required

Nutrition and Supplementation in the Health-Disease Process
Workload: 40 Credits: 2
Description: This course addresses nutritional assessment and needs in the aging process. It studies diseases related to nutritional deficiencies and current trends about supplementation of the elderly.
Concentration area: Gerontechnology
Type: Master's and Doctorate
Obligatoriness: Not required

Public Health and Aging
Workload: 40 Credits: 2
Description: This course studies the theoretical and methodological perspectives of public and social policies in the context of population aging. It also discusses the context of the state and the society. The course examines the institutional aspects of social protection at international and national levels.
Concentration area: Biopsychosocial Aspects of Human Aging 
Type: Master's and Doctorate
Obligatoriness: Not required

Psychology of Aging
Workload: 40 Credits: 2
Description: The course addresses theoretical and conceptual basis of psychology on human aging, cognitive, affective and personality aspects, focusing on psychological assessment methods and tools, validity of instruments and interventions.
Concentration area: Gerontechnology
Type: Master's and Doctorate
Obligatoriness: Not required

Interdisciplinary Seminars I
Workload: 40 Credits: 2
Description:  This course addresses theoretical aspects, methodological and technological approaches applied to the human aging process from the perspective of interdisciplinarity.
Type: Master's and Doctorate
Obligatoriness: Required

Interdisciplinary Seminars II
Workload: 40 Credits: 2
Description: This course addresses theoretical aspects, methodological and technological approaches applied to the human aging process from the perspective of interdisciplinarity.
Type: Master's and Doctorate
Concentration area: Biopsychosocial Aspects of Human Aging and Gerontechnology
Obligatoriness: Required

Interdisciplinary Seminars III
Workload: 40 Credits: 2
Description: This course addresses theoretical aspects, methodological and technological approaches applied to the human aging process from the perspective of interdisciplinarity.
Type: Master's and Doctorate
Concentration area: Biopsychosocial Aspects of Human Aging and Gerontechnology
Obligatoriness: Required

Interdisciplinary Seminars IV
Workload: 40 Credits: 2
Description: This course addresses theoretical aspects, methodological and technological approaches applied to the human aging process from the perspective of interdisciplinarity.
Type: Master's and Doctorate
Concentration area: Biopsychosocial Aspects of Human Aging and Gerontechnology
Obligatoriness: Required

Biological and Psychosocial Theories of Human Aging 
Workload: 40 Credits: 2
Description: This course studies the conceptual basis of the human aging theories, considering their biological, psychological and social aspects.
Concentration area: Biopsychosocial Aspects of Human Aging and Gerontechnology
Type: Master's and Doctorate
Obligatoriness: Required

Health Care and Society
Workload: 40 Credits: 2
Description: This course studies the process of human aging through historical and demographic aspects, from the perspective of the life cycle. It contextualizes the health and disease processes in the anthropological perspective. The course also investigates age as something socially imagined and built over time, contemplating cultural particularities and socioeconomic realities.
Concentration area: Biopsychosocial Aspects of Human Aging 
Type: Master's and Doctorate
Obligatoriness: Not required

Dissertation Supervision I
Workload: 20 Credits: 1
Description: Compulsory semester activity developed from orientation meetings and supervisions. The student must define a theme about human aging proposed by the advisor, linked to a research area of the program. The course is also dedicated to the development of the research project.
Type: Master's 
Obligatoriness: Required

Dissertation Supervision II
Workload: 20 Credits: 1
Description: Compulsory semester activity developed from orientation meetings for the definition of the research goal and formatting of the research project. During this course, the student can also submit the research project to the University's Research Ethics Committee and perform the dissertation project qualification exam.
Type: Master's 
Obligatoriness: Required

Dissertation Supervision III
Workload: 20 Credits: 1
Description: Compulsory semester activity developed from orientation meetings and supervisions to analyze the progress of the dissertation project, and to work on the master's dissertation.
Type: Master's 
Obligatoriness: Required

Dissertation Supervision IV
Workload: 20 Credits: 1
Description: Compulsory semester activity developed from orientation meetings and supervisions to analyze the progress of the dissertation project, and to defend a master's dissertation.
Type: Master's 
Obligatoriness: Required

Dissertation Supervision V ***
Workload: 20 Credits: 1
Description: Compulsory semester activity developed from orientation meetings and supervisions to analyze the progress of the dissertation project, and to defend a master's dissertation.
Type: Master's 
Obligatoriness: Required

Dissertation Supervision VI ***
Workload: 20 Credits: 1
Description: Compulsory semester activity developed from orientation meetings and supervisions to analyze the progress of the dissertation project, and to defend a master's dissertation.
Type: Master's 
Obligatoriness: Required

Thesis Supervision I
Workload: 20 Credits: 1
Description: Improvement of the theoretical and methodological aspects of the initial project, which was presented in the selection process of the program.
Type: Doctorate
Obligatoriness: Required

Thesis Supervision II
Workload: 20 Credits: 1
Description: Improvement of the theoretical and methodological aspects of the initial project, which was presented in the selection process of the program.
Type: Doctorate
Obligatoriness: Required

Thesis Supervision III
Workload: 20 Credits: 1
Description: Improvement of the theoretical and methodological aspects of the thesis project for the internal qualification exam.
Type: Doctorate
Obligatoriness: Required

Thesis Supervision IV
Workload: 20 Credits: 1
Description: Improvement of the theoretical and methodological aspects of the thesis project for the internal qualification exam.
Type: Doctorate
Obligatoriness: Required

Thesis Supervision V
Workload: 20 Credits: 1
Description: Further development of the thesis for the qualification exam.
Type: Doctorate
Obligatoriness: Required

Thesis Supervision VI
Workload: 20 Credits: 1
Description: Further development of the thesis for the qualification exam.
Type: Doctorate
Obligatoriness: Required

Thesis Supervision VII
Workload: 20 Credits: 1
Description: Development of thesis structure for defense.
Type: Doctorate
Obligatoriness: Required

Thesis Supervision VIII
Workload: 20 Credits: 1
Description: Development of thesis for defense.
Type: Doctorate
Obligatoriness: Required

Thesis Supervision IX***
Workload: 20 Credits: 1
Description: Development of thesis for defense.
Type: Doctorate
Obligatoriness: Required

Thesis Supervision X***
Workload: 20 Credits: 1
Description: Development of thesis for defense.
Type: Doctorate
Obligatoriness: Required

* Compulsory course only for Master students, for others the course is elective.
** Compulsory course for students who have scholarship.
*** Course required for students requesting a time limit extension.