
The Graduate Program in Human Aging (PPGEH) is located at the Faculty of Physical Education and Physiotherapy of the University of Passo Fundo (FEFF / UPF - Building A12 - Campus I). The faculty contemplates the attributions for the development of interdisciplinary research.

Population aging presents a series of challenges for society, increasingly demanding studies that can support public policies. Additionally, new daily practices are needed to keep people on track of healthy aging, maintaining a good quality of life.
In Brazil, demographic projections show a high growth in the number of elderly people. The increase in the life span of the elderly is accompanied by uncertainty about their quality of life and wellbeing. Therefore, research in this area has experienced a remarkable advance over the years.

The Doctoral and the Master’s Program aim to prepare researchers, teachers and professionals to meet all biological, psychosocial, educational and technological innovation demands, contributing to the interdisciplinary and multidimensional knowledge of human aging. 
Both Programs focus on three major areas: Human Aging, Health and Society. Research include biopsychosocial aspects of human aging, considering social, cultural, educational, historical, bioethical, economic, and environmental characteristics, along with health and technology issues, which are determining aspects for the human aging process.

Research areas:
1 - Gerontechnology
2 - Biopsychosocial Aspects of Human Aging