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The master program in Applied Computing (PPGCA) focuses on the interaction between Computer Science research, development and innovation, resulting in solutions for the local/regional demands. The program seeks to contribute to the strengthening and technological innovation of important socio-economic segments within the University of Passo Fundo region, especially Information Technology, Agriculture and Healthcare.

Graduates from PPGCA are able to develop technological solutions, methodological approaches for problem resolution that are typically found within industry. They are able to apply their developed knowledge into the market, within fields related to the development of embedded systems, robotics, pervasive computing, mobile computing, networks and distributed systems, modelling and simulation, software engineering, databases, artificial intelligence, computer graphics, human-computer interaction and recommender systems.

Focus area: Applied Computing

Research lines:
1. Pervasive Computing, Modelling and Simulation
2. Interactive and Information Systems

Target audience: Students with bachelor degree (or equivalent) in the following areas: Computer Science, Engineering or any other area related to research developed within PPGCA program.

Degree: Master’s Degree in Applied Computing.

History: The Master's Degree in Applied Computing Program has been endorsed by CAPES (Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel) in July 2013, recognized by the CNE (National Council for Education) in 10/08/2015 (manifest 424/2015), and ratified by MEC (Ministry of Education) in 09/22/2016 (D.O.U., number 183, section 1, page 11).

CAPES Grade: 4